Blizzard Entertainment is trying to ramp up excitement for their upcoming console release of the popular action-arcade style RPG, Diablo III. To accomplish this they have created this funny commercial, it’s actually not too bad. Diablo III will be appearing on store shelves no later the September 3, 2013 for both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
New League of Legends Debit Card Will Give RP

According to the New York Times, American Express will be releasing a League of Legends pre-paid debit card that will award you Riot Points when you use the card for everyday purchases. Just for signing up you will get 1,000 RP, plus another 1,000 RP when you preload $20 onto the card. You will get 10,000 RP when you set up a direct deposit to the card and another 1,000 RP for the first 10 purchases.
If this type of reward system catches on, and I hope it does, it could be a great incentive to use these cards. This is a great way to get into the growing gaming demographic. This could easily apply to any other popular game currency and appeal to a rather large audience. Getting in-game cash for spending money like you normally would in real life, sounds like a good deal to me.
There haven’t been any details on just how much you will be able to accumulate after the first 10 (ten) purchases, but either way, it’s more than what you were getting before.
Cubemen 2 on the Way to Wii U
An outstanding indie-game, Cubemen 2, is going to be making it’s way to the Wii U. The game is already available for PC, Linux, Mac and iOS and has be very successful. You can battle against up to six (6) others, regardless of platform, or against the AI in a RTS style action game that includes many modes like capture the flag and skirmish.
The game boasts over 4000 user created levels that you can download and play or even create your own. In Cubemen 2 you can also personalize your units the way you want for a truly customized experience. This will be a great addition to the Wii U which is a solid piece of hardware in need of great software titles like this.
“I’m really proud to be able to announce this,” said Nic Watt, Creative Director at Nnooo. “We’ve spent the last few months working with both Nintendo and 3 Sprockets, the game’s developer, to make this a reality. Cubemen 2 is an amazing game and a great fit for Nintendo players. We can’t wait to see how creative they are, whether in tactical multiplayer online or in the new levels they build.”
Cubemen 2 is expected to be released late 2013 / early 2014 as a downloadable title on the Wii U in the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Price to be announced.
2013 World Magic Cup Enters Final Day
The World Magic Cup has been underway at the Amsterdam Convention Factory from August 2-4 and it’s been a great tournament so far. If you aren’t familiar with the World Magic Cup, it’s the best of the best from around the world representing their home countries as they go head to head playing Magic: The Gathering.
Currently, Austria is the number one seed and they will be up against Hungary. The Czech Republic will play against New Zealand. France is up against Belgium and Estonia will face off against Iceland all in the top 8 quarter-finals. You can catch the live webcast for August 4th along with replay videos and event coverage including the latest brackets all on the event page from Wizards of the Coast.
Sonic The Hedgehog Goes First Person!
The folks over at machinima are always conjuring up something awesome and now they have put a twist on one my favorite video game characters from childhood, Sonic. Now you can experience the classic Green Hill Zone (Act 1) like never before!