According to the New York Times, American Express will be releasing a League of Legends pre-paid debit card that will award you Riot Points when you use the card for everyday purchases. Just for signing up you will get 1,000 RP, plus another 1,000 RP when you preload $20 onto the card. You will get 10,000 RP when you set up a direct deposit to the card and another 1,000 RP for the first 10 purchases.
If this type of reward system catches on, and I hope it does, it could be a great incentive to use these cards. This is a great way to get into the growing gaming demographic. This could easily apply to any other popular game currency and appeal to a rather large audience. Getting in-game cash for spending money like you normally would in real life, sounds like a good deal to me.
There haven’t been any details on just how much you will be able to accumulate after the first 10 (ten) purchases, but either way, it’s more than what you were getting before.