The comet Pan-STARRS, which was discovered in 2011, is making it’s way thorough our solar system and on March 5th, it made it’s closest approach to Earth at 100 million miles away.
Although the comet is no longer at it’s closest point to our planet, it’s getting closer to the Sun and we should all hopefully see a nice show as it continues to brighten in the sky. Pan-STARRS will be closest to the Sun on Sunday, March 10th and at that point is should be very bright.
Until recently, only people who live in the southern hemisphere were able to see the comet at all, but that will change at those of us in the northern hemisphere will begin to see the comet on March 7th. It will appear on the west-southwest horizon shortly after sunset.
This won’t be our only comet this year as comet ISON will be making an appearance in November and should be much, much brighter that Pan-STARRS.