The Wii U has been around since November of 2012 and it’s not exactly flying off the shelves. I picked up a Wii U my self about a month ago despite my reservations about the new console. After the extremely long initial system update, I got into the Wii U experience rather quickly.
I started out by playing New Super Mario Bros. U and almost immediately, I realized how cool the gamepad was and how seamless the whole experience felt. In many ways I felt like the Wii U is what the Wii should have been from the beginning.
The experience I had is difficult to explain, it’s something you just have to mess with in person to understand how unique and innovative this console is. The Wii U has a lot of potential and this is basically what Shigeru Miyamoto, the man behind Mario and Zelda, was trying to say during a recent interview with CNN.
“There was a period when we first released the Nintendo DS that people would say there’s no way people can look at two screens at once, I almost feel like, as people get more familiar with Wii U and these touchscreen interfaces, that there is going to come a point where they feel like ‘I can’t do everything I want to do if I don’t have a second screen’.” -Miyamoto
I think another major issue behind the Wii U’s lack luster sales numbers is the lack of content for the console. The games drive the console more than anything and Nintendo has promised that there will be plenty of games to choose from as time goes on. A title like the Legend of Zelda is enough to sell the console by it self and that may just be what many people are waiting for.