Diablo III for the Playstation 3 is now available for pre-order through Amazon, GameStop, and Walmart. Pre-orders will also include an “Infernal Helm” and Experience Bonus. The game will retail for $59.99.
The PS3 version obviously has some pretty significant changes to the UI in order to make it work well on a console but otherwise the game appears to look pretty much the same. Believe it or not this actually isn’t the first time Blizzard has released Diablo for the Playstation. In 1998 Blizzard released the original Diablo on the first Playstation and that game also featured significant UI changes and even some graphical updates.
If your a PC gamer then this may not interest you much, especially if you already own D3, unless your trying to put a collection together. However, this does offer up an opportunity for Blizzard to bring Diablo 3 to a larger audience.
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