When you want to take a screenshot in World of Warcraft you can press the print screen button. However, players are starting to complain that the game is placing watermarks on their screenshots that contain User ID’s, timestamps, and server IP addresses. The watermarks may have been there since 2008.

PCGamer believes that the watermarks were in place so Blizzard could track down players who are using private servers and breaking the terms of service.
So what’s the big deal? Well, basically this information could be used to track other players down allowing someone to stalk you or try to get you tangled up in a phishing scam.
So what can you do? You can remove the watermark by changing your screenshot quality to the highest setting. You can change your screenshots to this setting by typing: /console SET screenshotQuality “10″.
Blizzard has not officially replied to any questions about the watermarks but I imagine they will have to address the issue sooner or later.